Thursday, July 12, 2012

Forgiveness, One of Our Greatest Blessings To Help Us Grow Up Healthy

Forgiving is such a crucial function, whose importance is often is not given the credit that it is due. There are many people who actually relish the thought of being mad at someone, so that they can begin to prepare to avenge a wrong which they felt that they that they suffered. Just the thought of being able to top their misdeed with a greater misdeed of your own, is such a joy for some people. We often never stop to think if the perceived act was actually intended as a slight against you. There's always the possibility that the act was an accident or meant as a joke which was interpreted as callous or a simple misunderstanding.

We are all very different and unique people who look at the world through a different set of eyes.We process data differently, our vocabularies are different, we are raised in different environments and cultures. There are so many situations that could cause a misunderstanding that the possibilities are endless. It would be such a shame to cause a major conflict just because of a miscommunication or a misunderstanding. The best action to solve an issue is to first communicate.

When we choose to handle our differences by taking aggressive actions, we are doing harm to others, but more importantly we are doing harm to ourselves. The harm that we are doing to ourselves is far worse than the misdeed that we've done to someone else. We are exerting negative energy which only produces negative actions. Negative thoughts start occupying space in our head which could be used for positive thoughts and actions. Space that could be used do something constructive or bring pleasure to you or someone else.

Some people harbor grudges for years and years. There are certainly many reasons for the grudges, but none of them are worth the discomfort that you cause yourself. Whatever the deed was that caused you such anger, it is now over and cannot cause you any more harm, other than the harm that you inflict upon yourself. Life is short and certainly could be better spent if you're in a positive frame of mind.

The best solution to help live a happy life is the willingness to forgive, Remove all the negative energy that you're carrying around and direct it toward positive activities. The brain is too powerful to have dead space occupied by negative thoughts. Free up that potential greatness in your head and find something good to do with it. Even though the Bible doesn't say that you must forget when you forgive, it would certainly be easier to permanently free up that space if you could forget after you forgive.

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