Tuesday, June 19, 2012

How to Truly Savor the Holidays

The holidays are fully here. Christmas is just a few days away, there are two candles lit on the Hanukkah menorah and the Times Square ball drops in just 9 days.

This time of year has SO much potential for joy and happiness. But so often we rush through these wonderful events, distracted by our mind chatter about what's not right or what we're supposed to do next.

But you can maximize the positive feelings you get from these good events by savoring them. Savoring can generate more positive emotions and intensify and prolong those that we already feel. And savoring is really easy to do - here are some key steps:

Slow down and focus on the now. You've been planning, preparing, making and buying for weeks to get ready for the holidays. Don't let that do-do-do mentality prevent you from actually enjoying the experiences you've created. During your celebrations, create space to let go of what you should be doing next and open up to what is happening NOW.

Find a way to remind yourself to slow down. Turn your watch or phone to beep every hour. Tie a string to your wrist or finger. Wear your watch on your other hand for the week. Every time you notice the reminder, deliberately slow down, take a couple deep breaths and be with whatever experience is happening to you at that moment.

Open up to your senses. The holidays are filled with sensual delights and positive feelings. Let them fill up your awareness:

  • Close your eyes and really smell the cake baking or the food roasting.
  • Watch how the tree lights twinkle off the shiny wrapping paper.
  • Feel the gratitude for that surprise present that was just what you needed
  • See the engagement and excitement as your niece plays with her new toy
  • Melt into the hug with the sister you haven't seen in months
  • Taste the creamy sweetness of that cup of hot chocolate
  • Luxuriate in loved ones' enjoyment of the experiences you've created for them

Once you notice, try to keep your attention on these experiences for 5, 10 or even 20 seconds. Breathe into it. Notice how it changes over time. Enjoy it fully.

Build it up. Use your active mind to expand the story and build up those positive emotions. Some ideas:

  • Remember that this only comes once/year.
  • Celebrate that you worked hard to create this experience, and now is the time to enjoy it.
  • Remind yourself how lucky you are to have this amazing food, these incredible friends, a loving family, a warm home, a safe place to sleep.
  • Increase your appreciation by comparing your situation with others who are going through a harder time or with times in your life when you weren't so blessed.
  • Recognize how awesome it is that you've got time off of work and other duties so you can be here to experience these things.

Share the experience. When you notice something wonderful, share it with others. This can multiply the amount of positive emotion you can glean from any experience. According to the research, sharing is the strongest predictor of the level of enjoyment someone feels. By talking about the good stuff, you keep your attention there. Your positive emotions become infectious and you'll help break others out of their busy minds and into the moment. As their emotions ramp up, they'll likely share positive things that they are experiencing further stoking your positivity. Sharing creates an upward spiral of joy, excitement and appreciation.

So bring your attention to all the wonderful experiences of the holidays and really enjoy them. It's easy to get caught up in all the doing and forget to BE.

This news article is brought to you by CELEBRITY GOSSIP NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

How to Truly Savor the Holidays

The holidays are fully here. Christmas is just a few days away, there are two candles lit on the Hanukkah menorah and the Times Square ball drops in just 9 days.

This time of year has SO much potential for joy and happiness. But so often we rush through these wonderful events, distracted by our mind chatter about what's not right or what we're supposed to do next.

But you can maximize the positive feelings you get from these good events by savoring them. Savoring can generate more positive emotions and intensify and prolong those that we already feel. And savoring is really easy to do - here are some key steps:

Slow down and focus on the now. You've been planning, preparing, making and buying for weeks to get ready for the holidays. Don't let that do-do-do mentality prevent you from actually enjoying the experiences you've created. During your celebrations, create space to let go of what you should be doing next and open up to what is happening NOW.

Find a way to remind yourself to slow down. Turn your watch or phone to beep every hour. Tie a string to your wrist or finger. Wear your watch on your other hand for the week. Every time you notice the reminder, deliberately slow down, take a couple deep breaths and be with whatever experience is happening to you at that moment.

Open up to your senses. The holidays are filled with sensual delights and positive feelings. Let them fill up your awareness:

  • Close your eyes and really smell the cake baking or the food roasting.
  • Watch how the tree lights twinkle off the shiny wrapping paper.
  • Feel the gratitude for that surprise present that was just what you needed
  • See the engagement and excitement as your niece plays with her new toy
  • Melt into the hug with the sister you haven't seen in months
  • Taste the creamy sweetness of that cup of hot chocolate
  • Luxuriate in loved ones' enjoyment of the experiences you've created for them

Once you notice, try to keep your attention on these experiences for 5, 10 or even 20 seconds. Breathe into it. Notice how it changes over time. Enjoy it fully.

Build it up. Use your active mind to expand the story and build up those positive emotions. Some ideas:

  • Remember that this only comes once/year.
  • Celebrate that you worked hard to create this experience, and now is the time to enjoy it.
  • Remind yourself how lucky you are to have this amazing food, these incredible friends, a loving family, a warm home, a safe place to sleep.
  • Increase your appreciation by comparing your situation with others who are going through a harder time or with times in your life when you weren't so blessed.
  • Recognize how awesome it is that you've got time off of work and other duties so you can be here to experience these things.

Share the experience. When you notice something wonderful, share it with others. This can multiply the amount of positive emotion you can glean from any experience. According to the research, sharing is the strongest predictor of the level of enjoyment someone feels. By talking about the good stuff, you keep your attention there. Your positive emotions become infectious and you'll help break others out of their busy minds and into the moment. As their emotions ramp up, they'll likely share positive things that they are experiencing further stoking your positivity. Sharing creates an upward spiral of joy, excitement and appreciation.

So bring your attention to all the wonderful experiences of the holidays and really enjoy them. It's easy to get caught up in all the doing and forget to BE.

This news article is brought to you by CRUISING - where latest news are our top priority.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Be Happy by Being Happy

Okay, I hear your first thought - What?

Take a moment and think about it. The over arching want and need of every human being, the general conclusion to all our journeys, is to be happy, fulfilled, and contented.

Happiness is more than a pleasant moment or an agreeable sensation. It is a way of Being and of relating to the circumstances and events of your life. It transcends your momentary and your life-long conditions.

Happiness is a choice and a discipline which defines the manner in which you experience your world. Authentic and enduring happiness is contingent on what's inside you rather than on outside situations. It is a byproduct of cultivating your inner peace and strength.

Practicing the Art of Happiness sets you free-not from experiencing negative emotions-but from being enslaved by them.

But how do you reach this place of Happiness when you "don't know" what you want and how to make it happen?

Well, you start sorting this out by first learning or relearning what makes you Happy and places you in a state of "Being Happy". This life altering exercise allows you to discover all the answers to the above. It is your gauge, your "Internal Happiness Gauge", to help you weigh each experience and sort through to find your answers.

Here is a way to put this to work for you.

First, set up your "Internal Happiness Gauge". Create a scale from 1-10 with 1 being the lowest Happiness you received from an item or occurrence to 10 which would represent Ecstasy, Supreme Happiness and Joy. Decide what each increment of the scale will represent for you in your definition of Happiness. Then, it's suggested you start and make a daily entry into a "Happiness Journal" and rate it according to your "gauge".

In addition, you will want to make a place in your journal each day to write down what you are grateful for. In essence, your journal will be a "Happiness and Gratitude Journal" all-in-one, since they compliment and support one another and are beneficial in your discovery process.

Now, I know you hear a lot about journaling but this process can take a while and you need a tool to help you remember how you felt about a particular thing or circumstance. It also allows you to go deep inside to sort out and record the many possible levels of insight this will bring. So I strongly encourage you not to skip these steps.

After doing this preliminary set up, start your process by writing down and "gauging" the things you already know make you Happy and that you are grateful for. In addition, start taking 5 to 10 minutes, at minimum, each day to do something that is "outside your box", so to speak, to find out if it makes you Happy and where it falls on your "Gauge". Get very creative here and don't be afraid to try new things. These will help you to arrive at your answers faster when added to the things you've not done in a while or forgotten.

Some examples might be:

  • To walk in a creek while barefoot
  • Skipping rope
  • Singing a song you just created on the spot at the top of your lungs
  • Coloring in a coloring book with crayons
  • Walking backwards
  • Calling an old friend
  • Trying something new like a sport or a new way to drive home

This list could go on and on and as I said, let yourself get really creative here. Then record what you did and how it felt by your "Gauge" and record any other thoughts or feelings which come up around this for you. If something particularly seems to hit a button or a right spot for you, dig a bit deeper and explore what underlies what you are feeling and experiencing. You can see here how important the journal is to help you remember and sort through all of what you are experiencing.

This will begin your process of knowing what makes you Happy and you build from there.

As you start seeing areas or thoughts that reoccur for you, you will begin to differentiate what makes you Happy and what does not. It allows you to begin to see answers to what you want and how you want to do it. It allows you to begin to make conscious choices and decisions based on what makes you Happy so to operate from a state of "Being Happy" to find out how to "Be" continuously Happy.

Remember, Happiness is a choice and a discipline. By practicing the art of "Being Happy", it sets you free from being controlled or ruled by fear or other negative emotions and helps you in your growth of inner peace and strength.

Learn to change "I don't know" to "I do know" and Be Happy by Being Happy!

What did you do today for your 5 minutes of spontaneity?

List three things that make you laugh out loud?

How did being happy make you feel? Did you feel it deep down in your toes?

Please write a comment and share your Happy experiences with us!

This news article is brought to you by LOVE - where latest news are our top priority.

Be Happy by Being Happy

Okay, I hear your first thought - What?

Take a moment and think about it. The over arching want and need of every human being, the general conclusion to all our journeys, is to be happy, fulfilled, and contented.

Happiness is more than a pleasant moment or an agreeable sensation. It is a way of Being and of relating to the circumstances and events of your life. It transcends your momentary and your life-long conditions.

Happiness is a choice and a discipline which defines the manner in which you experience your world. Authentic and enduring happiness is contingent on what's inside you rather than on outside situations. It is a byproduct of cultivating your inner peace and strength.

Practicing the Art of Happiness sets you free-not from experiencing negative emotions-but from being enslaved by them.

But how do you reach this place of Happiness when you "don't know" what you want and how to make it happen?

Well, you start sorting this out by first learning or relearning what makes you Happy and places you in a state of "Being Happy". This life altering exercise allows you to discover all the answers to the above. It is your gauge, your "Internal Happiness Gauge", to help you weigh each experience and sort through to find your answers.

Here is a way to put this to work for you.

First, set up your "Internal Happiness Gauge". Create a scale from 1-10 with 1 being the lowest Happiness you received from an item or occurrence to 10 which would represent Ecstasy, Supreme Happiness and Joy. Decide what each increment of the scale will represent for you in your definition of Happiness. Then, it's suggested you start and make a daily entry into a "Happiness Journal" and rate it according to your "gauge".

In addition, you will want to make a place in your journal each day to write down what you are grateful for. In essence, your journal will be a "Happiness and Gratitude Journal" all-in-one, since they compliment and support one another and are beneficial in your discovery process.

Now, I know you hear a lot about journaling but this process can take a while and you need a tool to help you remember how you felt about a particular thing or circumstance. It also allows you to go deep inside to sort out and record the many possible levels of insight this will bring. So I strongly encourage you not to skip these steps.

After doing this preliminary set up, start your process by writing down and "gauging" the things you already know make you Happy and that you are grateful for. In addition, start taking 5 to 10 minutes, at minimum, each day to do something that is "outside your box", so to speak, to find out if it makes you Happy and where it falls on your "Gauge". Get very creative here and don't be afraid to try new things. These will help you to arrive at your answers faster when added to the things you've not done in a while or forgotten.

Some examples might be:

  • To walk in a creek while barefoot
  • Skipping rope
  • Singing a song you just created on the spot at the top of your lungs
  • Coloring in a coloring book with crayons
  • Walking backwards
  • Calling an old friend
  • Trying something new like a sport or a new way to drive home

This list could go on and on and as I said, let yourself get really creative here. Then record what you did and how it felt by your "Gauge" and record any other thoughts or feelings which come up around this for you. If something particularly seems to hit a button or a right spot for you, dig a bit deeper and explore what underlies what you are feeling and experiencing. You can see here how important the journal is to help you remember and sort through all of what you are experiencing.

This will begin your process of knowing what makes you Happy and you build from there.

As you start seeing areas or thoughts that reoccur for you, you will begin to differentiate what makes you Happy and what does not. It allows you to begin to see answers to what you want and how you want to do it. It allows you to begin to make conscious choices and decisions based on what makes you Happy so to operate from a state of "Being Happy" to find out how to "Be" continuously Happy.

Remember, Happiness is a choice and a discipline. By practicing the art of "Being Happy", it sets you free from being controlled or ruled by fear or other negative emotions and helps you in your growth of inner peace and strength.

Learn to change "I don't know" to "I do know" and Be Happy by Being Happy!

What did you do today for your 5 minutes of spontaneity?

List three things that make you laugh out loud?

How did being happy make you feel? Did you feel it deep down in your toes?

Please write a comment and share your Happy experiences with us!

This article is brought to you by ONLINE DATING.

What Makes Your Life Happy?

You are the best one to answer the question, "what makes YOU happy?" But in our busy lives, we often don't take the time to ask ourselves this question or go deep enough. Now is the time!

Happiness List Exercise

Today, we are going to do a fun little exercise to create your own happiness list. (This is adapted from a great book called 'How We Choose To Be Happy' by Foster & Hicks.)

You need to have 10 minutes of focused time. If you have that time right now, go ahead and keep on reading. But if you are at work and likely to be interrupted or dinner is about to be put on the table, block 10 minutes this evening or in the next day or two to where you can work uninterrupted.

Ok, now stop reading until you have your 10 minutes. (Seriously, this will be a much more productive exercise if you don't read this until you have that uninterrupted time.)

Ready to start?

Get out a blank sheet of paper, a good writing instrument and a timer. Set the timer for 4 minutes.

  1. Then begin making a list of everything that makes you happy. List anything that comes to mind by speedwriting. This means you write as fast as you can without stopping. Include things both large and small. Don't judge your answers. Just let things flow in a stream-of-consciousness way. The idea here is to allow internal stuff to surface. (i.e. don't be distracted by the seeming randomness of some of your ideas. Just write and move on.)

  2. When the timer goes off, drop your pen and notice how you feel. For many people, just the act of writing the list makes them feel happier. Know you can do this anytime for a quick happiness hit.

  3. Now look through your list and find one thing that would be easy to do this evening or over the weekend. This is your HOMEWORK (Ok really it's more of home-play) for this week. Take out your calendar and schedule it. Right now. (Really. I'll wait... )

  4. And if you need to coordinate with someone else (for that tennis match, date to make dinner together or go to that museum exhibit) send those emails right now (your 10 minutes isn't up yet, right?)

Next, email yourself this list, so you've always got it. Put something really obvious in the subject line like happiness list, so you can find it when you want it. Feel free to add on to this list as other things come to you.

This news article is brought to you by YOUR LIFE YOUR CHOICES YOUR MIND - where latest news are our top priority.

What Makes Your Life Happy?

You are the best one to answer the question, "what makes YOU happy?" But in our busy lives, we often don't take the time to ask ourselves this question or go deep enough. Now is the time!

Happiness List Exercise

Today, we are going to do a fun little exercise to create your own happiness list. (This is adapted from a great book called 'How We Choose To Be Happy' by Foster & Hicks.)

You need to have 10 minutes of focused time. If you have that time right now, go ahead and keep on reading. But if you are at work and likely to be interrupted or dinner is about to be put on the table, block 10 minutes this evening or in the next day or two to where you can work uninterrupted.

Ok, now stop reading until you have your 10 minutes. (Seriously, this will be a much more productive exercise if you don't read this until you have that uninterrupted time.)

Ready to start?

Get out a blank sheet of paper, a good writing instrument and a timer. Set the timer for 4 minutes.

  1. Then begin making a list of everything that makes you happy. List anything that comes to mind by speedwriting. This means you write as fast as you can without stopping. Include things both large and small. Don't judge your answers. Just let things flow in a stream-of-consciousness way. The idea here is to allow internal stuff to surface. (i.e. don't be distracted by the seeming randomness of some of your ideas. Just write and move on.)

  2. When the timer goes off, drop your pen and notice how you feel. For many people, just the act of writing the list makes them feel happier. Know you can do this anytime for a quick happiness hit.

  3. Now look through your list and find one thing that would be easy to do this evening or over the weekend. This is your HOMEWORK (Ok really it's more of home-play) for this week. Take out your calendar and schedule it. Right now. (Really. I'll wait... )

  4. And if you need to coordinate with someone else (for that tennis match, date to make dinner together or go to that museum exhibit) send those emails right now (your 10 minutes isn't up yet, right?)

Next, email yourself this list, so you've always got it. Put something really obvious in the subject line like happiness list, so you can find it when you want it. Feel free to add on to this list as other things come to you.

Want to Be Happier? Consider This Easy Approach

We tend to think that happiness will show up when something in the future happens. When we have... , when we get... , when we accomplish... , when we can... , when we will be... We base our happiness on something that may or may not happen in the future. How much time do we waste waiting to be happy? And, what if something gets in the way and our plans don't manifest like we had hoped? That's just more wasted time because of the delay and disappointment.

What can you do to be happier? Try giving up something. It's so much easier, more empowering, and it happens now in the present moment.

Try giving up some 'thing' in order to be happier.

Give up waiting for something to "happen". If you believe that your happiness depends on anything that is outside of you, you are misinformed. Joy comes from within, and our perceptions and beliefs inform that sense of joy.

Give up everything that is not in alignment with who you want to be. Making decisions to clear up the clutter in your physical and emotional life makes room (energetically and physically) for more of what you do want.

Give up trying to please others. It's a no win situation, and everyone wants something different from you anyway. Every time you place your focus on what others want from you, you take yourself one step farther away from your connection to your Self.That's an empty hollow place to be.

Give up your limiting beliefs. You are the creator of your reality, and belief is a powerful energy. Negative limiting beliefs constrict your world. Positive beliefs expand your world and your experience of life.

Give up your need to be right. What difference will it make if you are right or wrong. Whose world is going to improve. It's just your ego that needs to be right; it's not who you are. Think about how letting go of your need to be right in an argument can totally deflate the situation. There's nothing to argue with when you just let go.

And finally..

Give up blaming-yourself or others. It's very disempowering to give your energy away to anything that is not creative. Blame doesn't nurture, grow, or create anything that is constructive. Take responsibility for your actions and create your life. Let others do the same.

And there's one more thing. Love. Don't give up on love. Just BE love. Love heals, nurtures, creates, and grows beauty. It feels pretty darn good too. So be love and give love. And, enjoy living an inspired life.

This news article is brought to you by CELEBRITY GOSSIP NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Want to Be Happier? Consider This Easy Approach

We tend to think that happiness will show up when something in the future happens. When we have... , when we get... , when we accomplish... , when we can... , when we will be... We base our happiness on something that may or may not happen in the future. How much time do we waste waiting to be happy? And, what if something gets in the way and our plans don't manifest like we had hoped? That's just more wasted time because of the delay and disappointment.

What can you do to be happier? Try giving up something. It's so much easier, more empowering, and it happens now in the present moment.

Try giving up some 'thing' in order to be happier.

Give up waiting for something to "happen". If you believe that your happiness depends on anything that is outside of you, you are misinformed. Joy comes from within, and our perceptions and beliefs inform that sense of joy.

Give up everything that is not in alignment with who you want to be. Making decisions to clear up the clutter in your physical and emotional life makes room (energetically and physically) for more of what you do want.

Give up trying to please others. It's a no win situation, and everyone wants something different from you anyway. Every time you place your focus on what others want from you, you take yourself one step farther away from your connection to your Self.That's an empty hollow place to be.

Give up your limiting beliefs. You are the creator of your reality, and belief is a powerful energy. Negative limiting beliefs constrict your world. Positive beliefs expand your world and your experience of life.

Give up your need to be right. What difference will it make if you are right or wrong. Whose world is going to improve. It's just your ego that needs to be right; it's not who you are. Think about how letting go of your need to be right in an argument can totally deflate the situation. There's nothing to argue with when you just let go.

And finally..

Give up blaming-yourself or others. It's very disempowering to give your energy away to anything that is not creative. Blame doesn't nurture, grow, or create anything that is constructive. Take responsibility for your actions and create your life. Let others do the same.

And there's one more thing. Love. Don't give up on love. Just BE love. Love heals, nurtures, creates, and grows beauty. It feels pretty darn good too. So be love and give love. And, enjoy living an inspired life.

This news article is brought to you by CONFLICT IN RELATIONSHIPS - where latest news are our top priority.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Measuring Personal Happiness: A Small But, a Comprehensive Guide

There is no specific measuring scale. For a child, a toy brings immense happiness, a surprising kiss from her child does the magic for a mother, and excelling grade will do for a father, a hug for a lone neighbor, a winning score for a frenetic fan, a spring morning or smell of wet sand for a jogger. Different things bring happiness to different people. But, most of these are ephemeral.

There are also lots of tests and quizzes that measure happiness. But, most of them stop with the point of measuring. They neither help nor provide feedbacks to improve your state of mind. Lots of tests and quizzes are general and evaluate your choices based on multiple choice questions which range from mundane activities to question on your future plans like '25 years from now'. But, these quizzes don't help much as the result you get most of the time will be 'moderately happy'. Do you think spending 5-10 minutes taking these quizzes is going to help you find whether you are happy or not?

No, in a broader sense they won't. There is no better judge than yourself, there is no better questionnaire than your own and there is no better time than your everyday.

The best tool to analyze your happiness quotient or measure your happiness is self- analysis. This will take a long time as against the readily available 5-10 minutes quizzes. But, by end of the test you will have an idea as to what is the level of your happiness, are you really unhappy? Or most if it is a perception that you have instilled in your mind.

Personal happiness measurement

This self analysis test measures your happiness in a traditional way by taking manual notes. It is said that when you have to make a choice between important things, you should write down the pros and cons of both your choices and weigh them. Similarly, you should make a note of your emotions and how you felt about every activities and incidents of the day including your mundane activities in a note book for a week or two. Write it down as and when you go through the emotion. This way you will not leave out things and at the same time, write exactly what you felt.

This test will help you differentiate things that make you happy and things that make you unhappy every day. At end of the everyday, sit down and go through the motions and emotions you went through. By the end of the week you should be able to set a pattern of things or incidents or actions that had a bad impact on your mood. Similarly you should also be able to tell apart the ones that calmed you or made you happy. Try and eliminate those unhappy things or incidents if you could.

If the unhappy things that happen are unavoidable, change the work plan so that the happy action comes right behind the bad one. For example, you meet a fellow neighbor who is nosey in the laundry room everyday and even small talk seem to irritate you, try to change your laundry time. If it is not possible, do something that makes you happy immediately after you come back from laundering. Let's say, a cup of strong coffee freshens your mood and calms you down, let the coffee brew when you do your laundry. You can also have something to look forward to while doing the laundry.

One of the challenges of this test is the judgment of distinction between 'what you felt' and 'what you thought you felt'. There is a thin line of difference between these two things but, when jotted down wrongly will not help the self evaluation. For example you might have a deadline to meet in your work. You boss calls you and reminds you. Immediately you become concerned or upset or tensed. You can pin down two reasons for this. 1. Your boss's call. 2. You have a deadline to finish and you are nowhere near it. The immediate conclusion your mind comes to is your boss's call. This is what you thought got you tensed. But, the real reason is the work pressure that tensed you. So end of each day before you sleep check the list and give a minutes thought and try to differentiate this and write it down. In case, you are not able to tell apart, note both the points, in a day or two you will be able to conclude the reason after the issue is solved or when the incidents reoccurs you will give more attention the second time to differentiate.

'The nosey laundry neighbor' example quoted is a very simple, but even bigger problem can be changed and adjusted to suit your mood. This requires understanding and constant need in your mind to stay happy. If you are someone who is bent upon finding solutions to your problems or fixing them so that you stay calm, relaxed and happy this test done once in a while when you feel down should suffice.

This news article is brought to you by RELATIONSHIPS ADVICE - where latest news are our top priority.

Measuring Personal Happiness: A Small But, a Comprehensive Guide

There is no specific measuring scale. For a child, a toy brings immense happiness, a surprising kiss from her child does the magic for a mother, and excelling grade will do for a father, a hug for a lone neighbor, a winning score for a frenetic fan, a spring morning or smell of wet sand for a jogger. Different things bring happiness to different people. But, most of these are ephemeral.

There are also lots of tests and quizzes that measure happiness. But, most of them stop with the point of measuring. They neither help nor provide feedbacks to improve your state of mind. Lots of tests and quizzes are general and evaluate your choices based on multiple choice questions which range from mundane activities to question on your future plans like '25 years from now'. But, these quizzes don't help much as the result you get most of the time will be 'moderately happy'. Do you think spending 5-10 minutes taking these quizzes is going to help you find whether you are happy or not?

No, in a broader sense they won't. There is no better judge than yourself, there is no better questionnaire than your own and there is no better time than your everyday.

The best tool to analyze your happiness quotient or measure your happiness is self- analysis. This will take a long time as against the readily available 5-10 minutes quizzes. But, by end of the test you will have an idea as to what is the level of your happiness, are you really unhappy? Or most if it is a perception that you have instilled in your mind.

Personal happiness measurement

This self analysis test measures your happiness in a traditional way by taking manual notes. It is said that when you have to make a choice between important things, you should write down the pros and cons of both your choices and weigh them. Similarly, you should make a note of your emotions and how you felt about every activities and incidents of the day including your mundane activities in a note book for a week or two. Write it down as and when you go through the emotion. This way you will not leave out things and at the same time, write exactly what you felt.

This test will help you differentiate things that make you happy and things that make you unhappy every day. At end of the everyday, sit down and go through the motions and emotions you went through. By the end of the week you should be able to set a pattern of things or incidents or actions that had a bad impact on your mood. Similarly you should also be able to tell apart the ones that calmed you or made you happy. Try and eliminate those unhappy things or incidents if you could.

If the unhappy things that happen are unavoidable, change the work plan so that the happy action comes right behind the bad one. For example, you meet a fellow neighbor who is nosey in the laundry room everyday and even small talk seem to irritate you, try to change your laundry time. If it is not possible, do something that makes you happy immediately after you come back from laundering. Let's say, a cup of strong coffee freshens your mood and calms you down, let the coffee brew when you do your laundry. You can also have something to look forward to while doing the laundry.

One of the challenges of this test is the judgment of distinction between 'what you felt' and 'what you thought you felt'. There is a thin line of difference between these two things but, when jotted down wrongly will not help the self evaluation. For example you might have a deadline to meet in your work. You boss calls you and reminds you. Immediately you become concerned or upset or tensed. You can pin down two reasons for this. 1. Your boss's call. 2. You have a deadline to finish and you are nowhere near it. The immediate conclusion your mind comes to is your boss's call. This is what you thought got you tensed. But, the real reason is the work pressure that tensed you. So end of each day before you sleep check the list and give a minutes thought and try to differentiate this and write it down. In case, you are not able to tell apart, note both the points, in a day or two you will be able to conclude the reason after the issue is solved or when the incidents reoccurs you will give more attention the second time to differentiate.

'The nosey laundry neighbor' example quoted is a very simple, but even bigger problem can be changed and adjusted to suit your mood. This requires understanding and constant need in your mind to stay happy. If you are someone who is bent upon finding solutions to your problems or fixing them so that you stay calm, relaxed and happy this test done once in a while when you feel down should suffice.

This news article is brought to you by RADIO - where latest news are our top priority.

The Magic of Surrender

Life sometimes shows up in unexpected ways, while you're busy making plans and believing you're holding it all together. There's nothing wrong with thinking you're in control of it all, as long as you aren't too fooled by your own pretense.

There's a saying that goes, "How do you make life laugh? Make plans." The trick is to laugh right along with it. But you can only do that when you're not too attached to your blueprints.

If you can remain flexible and spontaneous, even unexpected events can be interesting and enjoyable. On the other hand, if you think life has to show up exactly as you plan it, you may be in for some suffering.

I once had an extremely fortunate experience in a moment of crisis when I was at a complete and utter loss of what to do. I was baffled by a situation that seemed to demand that I do something and yet I could not think of a single strategy that offered a viable solution.

Finally, I threw my hands up in the air and said, "Inner Presence, put me where I'm supposed to be and show me what to do because I have no clue!" It was a true surrender, an absolute and authentic letting go of trying to (or thinking I could) control any person, place or thing.

What followed was an extraordinary chain of events that I could never have imagined, much less set into motion myself. Issues that before had seemed impossible to solve just evaporated. In fact, what unfolded involved radical, yet positive changes in the lives of many of people. It solved multiple problems all at once. The transformation seemed so effortless that I felt like I was being carried down a river of pure grace. This event actually changed my life forever.

I now surrender all my plans over to what I call my Inner Presence. I still try to organize my mornings, days and months, but I know that existence might have something even better in mind that I may not see. I visualize what I'd like to happen and say, "this or something better for the highest purpose of all involved is manifesting in my life experience now." Then I let go and see what shows up.

When I meet life enthusiastically and accept that even the things I don't like may be perfect for that particular moment, I free myself from the suffering that my resistance brings and instead I open to the beauty of what each moment has to offer.

The Magic of Surrender

Life sometimes shows up in unexpected ways, while you're busy making plans and believing you're holding it all together. There's nothing wrong with thinking you're in control of it all, as long as you aren't too fooled by your own pretense.

There's a saying that goes, "How do you make life laugh? Make plans." The trick is to laugh right along with it. But you can only do that when you're not too attached to your blueprints.

If you can remain flexible and spontaneous, even unexpected events can be interesting and enjoyable. On the other hand, if you think life has to show up exactly as you plan it, you may be in for some suffering.

I once had an extremely fortunate experience in a moment of crisis when I was at a complete and utter loss of what to do. I was baffled by a situation that seemed to demand that I do something and yet I could not think of a single strategy that offered a viable solution.

Finally, I threw my hands up in the air and said, "Inner Presence, put me where I'm supposed to be and show me what to do because I have no clue!" It was a true surrender, an absolute and authentic letting go of trying to (or thinking I could) control any person, place or thing.

What followed was an extraordinary chain of events that I could never have imagined, much less set into motion myself. Issues that before had seemed impossible to solve just evaporated. In fact, what unfolded involved radical, yet positive changes in the lives of many of people. It solved multiple problems all at once. The transformation seemed so effortless that I felt like I was being carried down a river of pure grace. This event actually changed my life forever.

I now surrender all my plans over to what I call my Inner Presence. I still try to organize my mornings, days and months, but I know that existence might have something even better in mind that I may not see. I visualize what I'd like to happen and say, "this or something better for the highest purpose of all involved is manifesting in my life experience now." Then I let go and see what shows up.

When I meet life enthusiastically and accept that even the things I don't like may be perfect for that particular moment, I free myself from the suffering that my resistance brings and instead I open to the beauty of what each moment has to offer.

This article is brought to you by MATCH.

Bliss Building: Decision Making Is The Key To Your Balanced Life

One of the biggest problems we face today is the decision making process. We, as a society are not good at it. We 'hum' and we 'hah' and we question ourselves. We second guess ourselves at every turn.

It's no wonder that we aren't happy. We are constantly bombarded each day with a list of decisions to make and it's one of the hardest things to do. We get frustrated. We get angry. We get lethargic and start to procrastinate because it's too difficult to make a decision. So we decide to decide tomorrow.

This is not a good way to put balance back into your life and it's not a good bliss builder. Learning how to make a decision is key to creating the life you want and deserve.

Making decisions is really the first step to anything in life and is often underestimated. You need to remember that you have choices and you were born with freewill. It's up to you to create the life that you want.

Making the decision can often be the most difficult part; but once it's made and committed to, you can't go back. It's so vitally important to your life journey; and yet no one teaches us HOW to make decisions. It's just expected that you will be good at it as soon as you pop out of the womb. This is a ridiculous concept.

Taking The First Step

Napoleon Hill wrote in his famous book, Think and Grow Rich, that an analysis done of over 25,000 men and women who had experienced failure in life disclosed the fact that lack of decision was at the top of the list of the 30 main causes of failure. This is pretty conclusive evidence that not only do we overlook decision but we also underestimate its power in the path to success.

The first step in anything is making a decision. You make a decision to get up in the morning. You make a decision on what to have for breakfast. You make a decision to brush your teeth (or not!). Your day is nothing but a series of decisions; one after the other.

The decisions you make determine the course of your life. If you're making a decision to stay in bed until noon and not brush your teeth, or eat breakfast and then getting up and start drinking vodka; then you're making a decision to live that lifestyle. It's completely your choice.

Making a Choice

We were all given free will. We were all given the opportunity to choose our own lives. Sure, certain things might happen to us in the course of our lives; but we are still faced with the choice as to how we react to that occurrence.

I have not personally made the best choices in my life. When my Dad passed away I chose to blame the world and I became very angry and bitter. Rather than choosing to continue living the life that I had been; doing well in school and creating a great life, I chose a different path.

I chose to get angry, I chose to react, and I chose to do drugs. It led to a life of bitterness, disappointment and fear. But in the end, it was all my choice. No one forced me to do drugs and become an addict. I knew the consequences of my actions and I chose to act anyway.

Maybe you've had times in your life where you might regret the choices you've made. Everyone experiences some sort of heartache throughout the course of their lives. It's not important how you might have chosen back then to react to the situation. Whatever experience you've gone through; it has made you stronger and you're now sitting here reading this article on how to make your life better. You're choosing to build bliss and bring balance back into your life.

Decision Time

Whatever decisions and choices you've made in your past; they have led you to this moment in your life. This is the moment when you can make a decision to change your life. You can create whatever you want out of your life. You can choose to continue down a destructive path; or you can choose to bring balance back. No one is forcing you to do anything you don't want to do.

But I ask you:

When was the last time you felt the desire to laugh out loud simply because you felt joy inside?

What is it that you truly want out of life?

What were your dreams as a child?

When you look at your life now, in this present moment, what are you truly grateful for?

When you think about your future, what is it that you dream of?

Do you feel like you're living up to your full potential?

These are just some of the questions to think of when you're wondering what decision to make. It's time to make the decision.

Hell Yes or Hell No

There are many techniques available for making a decision. Some people have a long and involved process that can take an entire day to come up with an answer for themselves. Other people decide in an instant.

I have my own technique that I'd like to share with you. It might work for you and it might not. It works for me and you can take it or leave it; the CHOICE IS YOURS!

I have reached a clear conclusion as to who I am and what my heart really wants. Spending some time figuring this out is crucial to this technique so you may want to spend some time listening to your heart and figuring out what you really want out of life and for yourself.

When it comes to making a decision I simply ask myself, "Is it a hell yes, or a hell no?" There are no maybe's in my world. The consequences of my decision either truly excite me and pull me toward my true self and help me, or they don't.

Even when it comes to simple decisions as to what to eat; don't say things like, "It's up to you," or, "Whatever, I don't care." It's either a HELL YES or a HELL NO! You're either really excited about it or you have no desire whatsoever. Why would you waste your time on something in this short life that doesn't excite you? Go for the things that make your heart scream HELL YES!


There comes a point in your life when it's time. It's time to change, it's time to step forward, and it's time to be who you were meant to be.

It took me many years to make the decision. It just about killed me. I did some really stupid things with my life that I'm not proud of. I'm here to show you that you don't have to live that same life. You don't need to suffer.

I leave you with this question. If you're not going to step into your power now, when will you? Is tomorrow your day? Is it next year? Why not just DECIDE now and move forward?

It's DECISION time.

This news article is brought to you by RELATIONSHIPS ADVICE - where latest news are our top priority.

Bliss Building: Decision Making Is The Key To Your Balanced Life

One of the biggest problems we face today is the decision making process. We, as a society are not good at it. We 'hum' and we 'hah' and we question ourselves. We second guess ourselves at every turn.

It's no wonder that we aren't happy. We are constantly bombarded each day with a list of decisions to make and it's one of the hardest things to do. We get frustrated. We get angry. We get lethargic and start to procrastinate because it's too difficult to make a decision. So we decide to decide tomorrow.

This is not a good way to put balance back into your life and it's not a good bliss builder. Learning how to make a decision is key to creating the life you want and deserve.

Making decisions is really the first step to anything in life and is often underestimated. You need to remember that you have choices and you were born with freewill. It's up to you to create the life that you want.

Making the decision can often be the most difficult part; but once it's made and committed to, you can't go back. It's so vitally important to your life journey; and yet no one teaches us HOW to make decisions. It's just expected that you will be good at it as soon as you pop out of the womb. This is a ridiculous concept.

Taking The First Step

Napoleon Hill wrote in his famous book, Think and Grow Rich, that an analysis done of over 25,000 men and women who had experienced failure in life disclosed the fact that lack of decision was at the top of the list of the 30 main causes of failure. This is pretty conclusive evidence that not only do we overlook decision but we also underestimate its power in the path to success.

The first step in anything is making a decision. You make a decision to get up in the morning. You make a decision on what to have for breakfast. You make a decision to brush your teeth (or not!). Your day is nothing but a series of decisions; one after the other.

The decisions you make determine the course of your life. If you're making a decision to stay in bed until noon and not brush your teeth, or eat breakfast and then getting up and start drinking vodka; then you're making a decision to live that lifestyle. It's completely your choice.

Making a Choice

We were all given free will. We were all given the opportunity to choose our own lives. Sure, certain things might happen to us in the course of our lives; but we are still faced with the choice as to how we react to that occurrence.

I have not personally made the best choices in my life. When my Dad passed away I chose to blame the world and I became very angry and bitter. Rather than choosing to continue living the life that I had been; doing well in school and creating a great life, I chose a different path.

I chose to get angry, I chose to react, and I chose to do drugs. It led to a life of bitterness, disappointment and fear. But in the end, it was all my choice. No one forced me to do drugs and become an addict. I knew the consequences of my actions and I chose to act anyway.

Maybe you've had times in your life where you might regret the choices you've made. Everyone experiences some sort of heartache throughout the course of their lives. It's not important how you might have chosen back then to react to the situation. Whatever experience you've gone through; it has made you stronger and you're now sitting here reading this article on how to make your life better. You're choosing to build bliss and bring balance back into your life.

Decision Time

Whatever decisions and choices you've made in your past; they have led you to this moment in your life. This is the moment when you can make a decision to change your life. You can create whatever you want out of your life. You can choose to continue down a destructive path; or you can choose to bring balance back. No one is forcing you to do anything you don't want to do.

But I ask you:

When was the last time you felt the desire to laugh out loud simply because you felt joy inside?

What is it that you truly want out of life?

What were your dreams as a child?

When you look at your life now, in this present moment, what are you truly grateful for?

When you think about your future, what is it that you dream of?

Do you feel like you're living up to your full potential?

These are just some of the questions to think of when you're wondering what decision to make. It's time to make the decision.

Hell Yes or Hell No

There are many techniques available for making a decision. Some people have a long and involved process that can take an entire day to come up with an answer for themselves. Other people decide in an instant.

I have my own technique that I'd like to share with you. It might work for you and it might not. It works for me and you can take it or leave it; the CHOICE IS YOURS!

I have reached a clear conclusion as to who I am and what my heart really wants. Spending some time figuring this out is crucial to this technique so you may want to spend some time listening to your heart and figuring out what you really want out of life and for yourself.

When it comes to making a decision I simply ask myself, "Is it a hell yes, or a hell no?" There are no maybe's in my world. The consequences of my decision either truly excite me and pull me toward my true self and help me, or they don't.

Even when it comes to simple decisions as to what to eat; don't say things like, "It's up to you," or, "Whatever, I don't care." It's either a HELL YES or a HELL NO! You're either really excited about it or you have no desire whatsoever. Why would you waste your time on something in this short life that doesn't excite you? Go for the things that make your heart scream HELL YES!


There comes a point in your life when it's time. It's time to change, it's time to step forward, and it's time to be who you were meant to be.

It took me many years to make the decision. It just about killed me. I did some really stupid things with my life that I'm not proud of. I'm here to show you that you don't have to live that same life. You don't need to suffer.

I leave you with this question. If you're not going to step into your power now, when will you? Is tomorrow your day? Is it next year? Why not just DECIDE now and move forward?

It's DECISION time.

This news article is brought to you by TRAVEL-AND-LEISURE - where latest news are our top priority.

55 Ways to Improve Your Life

Are you unhappy with your life? Do you feel you need to change something? If so, here is a list 55 ideas that will allow you to change your life for the better.

1) Understand that you have the power to choose your moods.
2) Find out what you really want.
3) Don't try to change others, change yourself.
4) Learn to be patient.
5) Tell people how you feel.
6) Learn to write, to transfer your thoughts into the written word.
7) Show people you love them.
8) Follow thoughts not people.
9) Set achievable, but challenging goals regularly.
10) Exercise. Your body and mind will thank you.
11) Have a plan B. Just in case.
12) Learn about psychology.
13) Take opportunities.
14) Be honest.
15) Learn to relax.
16) Do anything that makes you happy, but not at the expense of others.
17) Learn to get out of your comfort zone.
18) Find the good parts of being alone.
19) Find out what allows you to reach Flow.
20) Be thankful for what you have.
21) Thoughts create reality.
22) Mistakes happen. Don't get discouraged, learn from them.
23) Ask.
24) Learn about philosophy.
25) Collect experiences, not objects.
26) Learn to be happy with yourself.
27) Imagine.
28) Learn to say no.
29) Read.
30) Be optimistic, but don't forget about obstacles.
31) Learn foreign languages.
32) Laugh.
33) It's not about what happens, but how you react to it.
34) What's important to you probably means nothing to your neighbor.
35) Every day is a new opportunity. Take it.
36) Dance.
37) Cultivate willpower.
38) Be brave. Even if you're not, pretend to be. No one can tell.
39) Learn from everyone you meet.
40) Do random acts of kindness.
41) Learn to play the guitar.
42) Don't take yourself too seriously.
43) Forgive.
44) Don't mistake comfort for happiness.
45) Expect the best but plan for the worst.‎
46) Move away from things that make you unhappy.
47) Meditate.
48) You are the only person you can count on. Don't rely on other people to give you what you need.
49) Help others.
50) Learn to adapt.
51) Stop worrying.
52) Surround yourself with positive, inspiring people.
53) Make the effort to start something new.
54) Let go of the past.
55) Cultivate friendships.

Some points may sound very simple, but actually it's not that easy to put them into practice. Have patience and your life will change for the better.

55 Ways to Improve Your Life

Are you unhappy with your life? Do you feel you need to change something? If so, here is a list 55 ideas that will allow you to change your life for the better.

1) Understand that you have the power to choose your moods.
2) Find out what you really want.
3) Don't try to change others, change yourself.
4) Learn to be patient.
5) Tell people how you feel.
6) Learn to write, to transfer your thoughts into the written word.
7) Show people you love them.
8) Follow thoughts not people.
9) Set achievable, but challenging goals regularly.
10) Exercise. Your body and mind will thank you.
11) Have a plan B. Just in case.
12) Learn about psychology.
13) Take opportunities.
14) Be honest.
15) Learn to relax.
16) Do anything that makes you happy, but not at the expense of others.
17) Learn to get out of your comfort zone.
18) Find the good parts of being alone.
19) Find out what allows you to reach Flow.
20) Be thankful for what you have.
21) Thoughts create reality.
22) Mistakes happen. Don't get discouraged, learn from them.
23) Ask.
24) Learn about philosophy.
25) Collect experiences, not objects.
26) Learn to be happy with yourself.
27) Imagine.
28) Learn to say no.
29) Read.
30) Be optimistic, but don't forget about obstacles.
31) Learn foreign languages.
32) Laugh.
33) It's not about what happens, but how you react to it.
34) What's important to you probably means nothing to your neighbor.
35) Every day is a new opportunity. Take it.
36) Dance.
37) Cultivate willpower.
38) Be brave. Even if you're not, pretend to be. No one can tell.
39) Learn from everyone you meet.
40) Do random acts of kindness.
41) Learn to play the guitar.
42) Don't take yourself too seriously.
43) Forgive.
44) Don't mistake comfort for happiness.
45) Expect the best but plan for the worst.‎
46) Move away from things that make you unhappy.
47) Meditate.
48) You are the only person you can count on. Don't rely on other people to give you what you need.
49) Help others.
50) Learn to adapt.
51) Stop worrying.
52) Surround yourself with positive, inspiring people.
53) Make the effort to start something new.
54) Let go of the past.
55) Cultivate friendships.

Some points may sound very simple, but actually it's not that easy to put them into practice. Have patience and your life will change for the better.

This news article is brought to you by HEALTH-AND-FITNESS - where latest news are our top priority.

A Healthy Ego Creates Happiness and Success In Business and In Our Personal Lives

I realize that most define the ego as a part of the self to suppress or get rid of, to cringe or run from when it rises its ugly head. Yet, what allowed me to change a life of despairing circumstances was an unconventional wisdom that positively moved me forward personally and professionally. What was that insightful piece of wisdom that was different from the norm currently being taught? That I was not to be afraid of or suppress my ego instead I was to know that it was birthed... like a baby... innocent and pure. This "pure ego", has a healthy and balanced view of itself. It is able to express its uniqueness, unselfishly through the unique gift of who we are and can, if allowed, build strongly by resisting to form defeating attitudes. People are limited more by attitude than opportunity, especially when fear/anxieties, anger and complacency pervade. Motivation comes in many forms and goes by many names. Creating, maintaining and sustaining that inner drive to succeed personally and professionally comes from a healthy and well balanced ego.

By using the purity of your ego to empower you, it remains healthy and balanced. A healthy and balanced ego is your own Self Empowerment Expert. Success, either in business or life, is rooted from taking action without attempting to force or manipulate something into place. It is about taking risks, being bold, having vision, showing courage, taking responsibility, and making a commitment to excellence every day. It is also about stepping out of your comfort zone, facing your fears, and making short term sacrifices to achieve long term goals. This is a healthy ego. You also are able to make better choices that will guide and support you in different directions of building skill sets that move you beyond limitations of traditional "best practices" and you are able to set breakthrough objectives where you will achieve maximum success in all your endeavors.

By living your potential through a healthy ego expressed unselfishly, you are in full flow of being supported in a gradual manner throughout life challenges as you become increasingly self-sufficient. The healthy ego encourages you to push beyond self-imposed limitations, be more personally accountable for your actions, and embrace effective teamwork by valuing contributions of others. Misperceptions, judgment, blame, guilt or shame are what distort the ego from its innocent and pure state into an ego that becomes "altered" negatively through suppressed and unresolved anger. Placing a root of anger, fear (false evidence appearing real), or unfounded anxieties that branch limb after limb of negative based beliefs into negative reactions coupled with excuses that lack accountability, will, without exception, effect your life situations with detrimental effects.

By nurturing a healthy, balanced ego, you are not giving up any part of yourself. You are only readjusting the part that creates the frustrations, upsets and losses both personally and professionally.

If fear in any form is present, your altered-ego is guiding the situation. Ask yourself, if you were operating from the innocence and purity of your ego, what would you do? Begin there.

"Living "you" through a healthy and balanced ego births unlimited joy, health, flow, prosperity, and freedom. Your life is happy, and creates through an ease, grace and abundance that is your birth right." - Veronique

It's always good to reread so your mind can fully absorb the empowering suggestions to be successful.

This news article is brought to you by MOVIE CRITIC NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

A Healthy Ego Creates Happiness and Success In Business and In Our Personal Lives

I realize that most define the ego as a part of the self to suppress or get rid of, to cringe or run from when it rises its ugly head. Yet, what allowed me to change a life of despairing circumstances was an unconventional wisdom that positively moved me forward personally and professionally. What was that insightful piece of wisdom that was different from the norm currently being taught? That I was not to be afraid of or suppress my ego instead I was to know that it was birthed... like a baby... innocent and pure. This "pure ego", has a healthy and balanced view of itself. It is able to express its uniqueness, unselfishly through the unique gift of who we are and can, if allowed, build strongly by resisting to form defeating attitudes. People are limited more by attitude than opportunity, especially when fear/anxieties, anger and complacency pervade. Motivation comes in many forms and goes by many names. Creating, maintaining and sustaining that inner drive to succeed personally and professionally comes from a healthy and well balanced ego.

By using the purity of your ego to empower you, it remains healthy and balanced. A healthy and balanced ego is your own Self Empowerment Expert. Success, either in business or life, is rooted from taking action without attempting to force or manipulate something into place. It is about taking risks, being bold, having vision, showing courage, taking responsibility, and making a commitment to excellence every day. It is also about stepping out of your comfort zone, facing your fears, and making short term sacrifices to achieve long term goals. This is a healthy ego. You also are able to make better choices that will guide and support you in different directions of building skill sets that move you beyond limitations of traditional "best practices" and you are able to set breakthrough objectives where you will achieve maximum success in all your endeavors.

By living your potential through a healthy ego expressed unselfishly, you are in full flow of being supported in a gradual manner throughout life challenges as you become increasingly self-sufficient. The healthy ego encourages you to push beyond self-imposed limitations, be more personally accountable for your actions, and embrace effective teamwork by valuing contributions of others. Misperceptions, judgment, blame, guilt or shame are what distort the ego from its innocent and pure state into an ego that becomes "altered" negatively through suppressed and unresolved anger. Placing a root of anger, fear (false evidence appearing real), or unfounded anxieties that branch limb after limb of negative based beliefs into negative reactions coupled with excuses that lack accountability, will, without exception, effect your life situations with detrimental effects.

By nurturing a healthy, balanced ego, you are not giving up any part of yourself. You are only readjusting the part that creates the frustrations, upsets and losses both personally and professionally.

If fear in any form is present, your altered-ego is guiding the situation. Ask yourself, if you were operating from the innocence and purity of your ego, what would you do? Begin there.

"Living "you" through a healthy and balanced ego births unlimited joy, health, flow, prosperity, and freedom. Your life is happy, and creates through an ease, grace and abundance that is your birth right." - Veronique

It's always good to reread so your mind can fully absorb the empowering suggestions to be successful.

This article is brought to you by MATCH.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Diligent Extravagance of Joy

"Joy is the will which labors, which overcomes obstacles, which knows triumph."
~William Butler Yeats

Much of life is deeply existential and it feels harder than it often is. We are easily duped into thinking, and therefore believing, that the easy joys of life sit ever beyond our conciliation. It's true; some seasons prove joy to be elusive. But it doesn't have to be that way.

Joy can be procured. It can be secured by sufficient resourcefulness. Joy can be brought to bear.


Before we invest in the work that creates joy we need to believe, genuinely from within ourselves, that we can achieve it.

When the possibility of joy is believed, faith is invested which is fuelled by hope. There is no question that hope can be borrowed. We don't need to feel hopeful to see possibility if faith can sponsor our way, simply via a decision to act.

Possibility is a wonderful phenomenon. It breaks past the vestiges of lament, even momentarily interrupting a season of sorrow, to indwell the mind with openness, and to cause the heart to flourish in an eventual catharsis.

Truly, possibility opens the way for joy. Then all that remains is the vessel's preparedness to work, to overcome, to triumph.

We are vessels for joy; if we wish it that way.


Nothing good comes of this life without a little effort to get it underway. Sure, there are exceptions - the things that just fall into our laps - but these are isolated exceptions.

Joy is what gets things going in life, and, because it is such a go-getter, launching from the get-go, it produces sufficient inertia to overcome obstacles. And when obstacles are overcome there is the emergence of triumph.

Joy is no fair-weather-only friend; it is known anywhere and it is extravagant by effect.

There is hardly a better feeling or reward for faith than the acquisition of triumph in the midst of hopelessness. Times when there was no rational reason to continue, but where we did, realise the magnificence of joy that doesn't give up - but just keeps working.


Having tested the process, and knowing that, by faith, joy can take us so much farther, we are loath to forget the power within us that is afforded in just working.

Where we are prepared to work, we are prepared to be rewarded. But reward is not the reason we work. Reward may be seen as a by-product.

But easily we give up. Easily we forget. When we develop a long memory for the mastery of joy, however, that memory serves us well in wisdom for the future.


Joy comes by believing in possibilities, creating it through the will to act, and not forgetting how we got there, so as to produce more. Joy is a secret in overcoming.

© 2012 S. J. Wickham.

The Diligent Extravagance of Joy

"Joy is the will which labors, which overcomes obstacles, which knows triumph."
~William Butler Yeats

Much of life is deeply existential and it feels harder than it often is. We are easily duped into thinking, and therefore believing, that the easy joys of life sit ever beyond our conciliation. It's true; some seasons prove joy to be elusive. But it doesn't have to be that way.

Joy can be procured. It can be secured by sufficient resourcefulness. Joy can be brought to bear.


Before we invest in the work that creates joy we need to believe, genuinely from within ourselves, that we can achieve it.

When the possibility of joy is believed, faith is invested which is fuelled by hope. There is no question that hope can be borrowed. We don't need to feel hopeful to see possibility if faith can sponsor our way, simply via a decision to act.

Possibility is a wonderful phenomenon. It breaks past the vestiges of lament, even momentarily interrupting a season of sorrow, to indwell the mind with openness, and to cause the heart to flourish in an eventual catharsis.

Truly, possibility opens the way for joy. Then all that remains is the vessel's preparedness to work, to overcome, to triumph.

We are vessels for joy; if we wish it that way.


Nothing good comes of this life without a little effort to get it underway. Sure, there are exceptions - the things that just fall into our laps - but these are isolated exceptions.

Joy is what gets things going in life, and, because it is such a go-getter, launching from the get-go, it produces sufficient inertia to overcome obstacles. And when obstacles are overcome there is the emergence of triumph.

Joy is no fair-weather-only friend; it is known anywhere and it is extravagant by effect.

There is hardly a better feeling or reward for faith than the acquisition of triumph in the midst of hopelessness. Times when there was no rational reason to continue, but where we did, realise the magnificence of joy that doesn't give up - but just keeps working.


Having tested the process, and knowing that, by faith, joy can take us so much farther, we are loath to forget the power within us that is afforded in just working.

Where we are prepared to work, we are prepared to be rewarded. But reward is not the reason we work. Reward may be seen as a by-product.

But easily we give up. Easily we forget. When we develop a long memory for the mastery of joy, however, that memory serves us well in wisdom for the future.


Joy comes by believing in possibilities, creating it through the will to act, and not forgetting how we got there, so as to produce more. Joy is a secret in overcoming.

© 2012 S. J. Wickham.

This article is brought to you by DATING.

Where Did My Life Go?

Time is up right there with Oxygen, valuable beyond belief. Without it your life will run out and head straight for the buffers.

You can't buy time, you can only spend it, it's irreplaceable. Have you ever asked yourself this question, "Where did my life go"? maybe you are hitting 40, 50 or maybe even 60 and beyond, and you feel that you are moving into the Autumn or even the Winter years of your life, but you don't think you have really achieved much.

Do you feel alone, stuck in a rut, detached from the rest of the world?, believe me - you are not alone. Most people are carrying some sort of fear around with them, 10 Years ago probably seems like only yesterday, time is ticking away faster than a speeding train, your life is running on and on, your story is CLOSING...

Or is it?

Perhaps this is just the BEGINNING of your story. We are programmed to believe that we live in a "one size fits all" society, You're over the hill at 40, fast running out of steam at 50, at 60 you should be pensioned off and at 70... "What the hell are you still doing here?" you should be pushing up daisies..!!!

I think one of the major reasons people ask that question "Where did my life go" is because they themselves have mentally started to "give up", In this cynical world we are prepped, prepared and almost pushed into conforming to the "average"... Most people never question the RULES... they just go along with them.

You see, if you don't listen to all the HYPE & BS that surrounds you everyday, it really IS a pretty good life, with an equal playing field, full of ENDLESS opportunities... You got to this point in your life by being YOU, if you are not fast becoming the YOU, you really want to be - then change PLANET You!

You are the sum total of all your thoughts & actions (including your decisions), that's how you got to this stage in the first place, It's easy to start beating yourself up and wishing you could have done things differently, but even if you had made different decisions, you DON'T actually know for sure that they would have ended up being BETTER decisions.

It's up to US to decide where we want to go from here. It's not the government, our friends, our partner or anybody else's fault as to what happens to us, from now on, it is simply, how we SEE ourselves.

While we have breath in our body and movement to carry us, most things can be achieved.

I have a theory - some people only act their age because they actually KNOW how old they really are. TRULY.. as CRAZY as it may sound, I'm convinced if you were 45 but you truly believed you were only 30, maybe you had lived on a desert island and you had NO way of tracking your age at all, you would probably age more slowly and act and think more like a 30 yr old than a 45 yr old. Some people age faster than others because they think themselves OLD..

People give age too much POWER, and our society as a whole seems obsessed with it.

The main influence on our lives is not society itself although this is a contributing factor, but it's US and WHO we really think we really are. We decide as we think, our story is written for us by our thoughts.

If it's doable and we REALLY think we can do it, make a plan and DO IT.. it's not our age that prevents us from achieving things, it's our expectations of US.

Whilst we keep living up to expectation and believe what society tells us, we will always be moving slowly forward wearing lead boots. It's only when we question what is expected of us and realise that the life we were prepared for in school and thought of as the ultimate goal perhaps is not the ultimate goal at all but often the booby prize.

We're all a long time dead, we fought heaven and earth to get into this life, why cruise through it at a sedate 20 Miles and hour when you can BLAST through it like a HURRICANE.. Life owes us nothing but WE owe us EVERYTHING.

Where Did My Life Go?

Time is up right there with Oxygen, valuable beyond belief. Without it your life will run out and head straight for the buffers.

You can't buy time, you can only spend it, it's irreplaceable. Have you ever asked yourself this question, "Where did my life go"? maybe you are hitting 40, 50 or maybe even 60 and beyond, and you feel that you are moving into the Autumn or even the Winter years of your life, but you don't think you have really achieved much.

Do you feel alone, stuck in a rut, detached from the rest of the world?, believe me - you are not alone. Most people are carrying some sort of fear around with them, 10 Years ago probably seems like only yesterday, time is ticking away faster than a speeding train, your life is running on and on, your story is CLOSING...

Or is it?

Perhaps this is just the BEGINNING of your story. We are programmed to believe that we live in a "one size fits all" society, You're over the hill at 40, fast running out of steam at 50, at 60 you should be pensioned off and at 70... "What the hell are you still doing here?" you should be pushing up daisies..!!!

I think one of the major reasons people ask that question "Where did my life go" is because they themselves have mentally started to "give up", In this cynical world we are prepped, prepared and almost pushed into conforming to the "average"... Most people never question the RULES... they just go along with them.

You see, if you don't listen to all the HYPE & BS that surrounds you everyday, it really IS a pretty good life, with an equal playing field, full of ENDLESS opportunities... You got to this point in your life by being YOU, if you are not fast becoming the YOU, you really want to be - then change PLANET You!

You are the sum total of all your thoughts & actions (including your decisions), that's how you got to this stage in the first place, It's easy to start beating yourself up and wishing you could have done things differently, but even if you had made different decisions, you DON'T actually know for sure that they would have ended up being BETTER decisions.

It's up to US to decide where we want to go from here. It's not the government, our friends, our partner or anybody else's fault as to what happens to us, from now on, it is simply, how we SEE ourselves.

While we have breath in our body and movement to carry us, most things can be achieved.

I have a theory - some people only act their age because they actually KNOW how old they really are. TRULY.. as CRAZY as it may sound, I'm convinced if you were 45 but you truly believed you were only 30, maybe you had lived on a desert island and you had NO way of tracking your age at all, you would probably age more slowly and act and think more like a 30 yr old than a 45 yr old. Some people age faster than others because they think themselves OLD..

People give age too much POWER, and our society as a whole seems obsessed with it.

The main influence on our lives is not society itself although this is a contributing factor, but it's US and WHO we really think we really are. We decide as we think, our story is written for us by our thoughts.

If it's doable and we REALLY think we can do it, make a plan and DO IT.. it's not our age that prevents us from achieving things, it's our expectations of US.

Whilst we keep living up to expectation and believe what society tells us, we will always be moving slowly forward wearing lead boots. It's only when we question what is expected of us and realise that the life we were prepared for in school and thought of as the ultimate goal perhaps is not the ultimate goal at all but often the booby prize.

We're all a long time dead, we fought heaven and earth to get into this life, why cruise through it at a sedate 20 Miles and hour when you can BLAST through it like a HURRICANE.. Life owes us nothing but WE owe us EVERYTHING.

This news article is brought to you by HYBRID, ENERGY,EFFICIENT - where latest news are our top priority.

The Magic Question You Can Ask To Find How To Be Happy

I went to a Prince concert the other night. As the lights dimmed and the band began 20,000 fans leapt to their feet in a deafening roar.

About 30 seconds into the first song, I got a firm push on the shoulder.

I turned around and behind me sat a man and a woman, both looking very grumpy.

"Excuse me" says the woman. (You can tell she's been speaking for this man for probably 30 years.) "Can you to sit down please?"

I gestured to the 20,000 other people. "This is a standing concert."

"Yes," said the woman, "but he can't see so you have to sit down."

We were completely crowded in by dancing fans by this stage. Even if I sat down someone was bound to drop their drink on him.

I looked around the immediate area and pointed out a block of two seaters by the aisle where no one was sitting. I said "If you sit there, you're closer to the stage and no one will bother you."

Then the man spoke up "Well, why don't YOU sit there?"

At this point I gave up, turned around and continued enjoying the show. At the end, as the house lights came up I got a firm cuff over the back of my head just so I knew how he really felt.

It made me smile and reminded me of something we all should remember.

Write this one down and keep it where you can see it.

Every moment of every day,

I have the choice to be happy

or unhappy.

This is in no one else's power.

The choice is yours.

And there is no one else to blame for the choice you make.

Now this man could have made the choice to be happy and stood up every now and then to give his back a rest.

He could have the choice to be happy, closed his eyes and listened to these amazing musicians.

He could have made the choice to be happy and enjoy the view of 6 women writhing in front of him.

He could have made the choice to be happy by moving to the quieter spot with a better view as I had suggested.

But he didn't.

He made the choice to be unhappy.

Why is this?

I believe it is because he thought he had someone to blame.

He spent 2 1/2 hours looking daggers at my back.

Probably even bigger daggers because I was enjoying myself.

Then he would have complained about it all the way home, all the next day for as long as possible telling everyone who would listen about that selfish woman in front of him who "ruined his night".

His friends might be sympathetic for, oh about 2 seconds, and then not care anymore.

So no one was really affected by his decision to be unhappy except himself and perhaps his long suffering wife if she made the choice to be unhappy too.

So remember to ask yourself whenever you get into any situation where you're not happy.

"Do I choose to be happy or unhappy?"

It's that simple.

If you choose to be happy, what is the path of least resistance to get there?

Do you accept where you are and enjoy yourself?

Or take action and move to a better spot?

The choice is completely up to you.

This news article is brought to you by ATTRACTION - where latest news are our top priority.

The Magic Question You Can Ask To Find How To Be Happy

I went to a Prince concert the other night. As the lights dimmed and the band began 20,000 fans leapt to their feet in a deafening roar.

About 30 seconds into the first song, I got a firm push on the shoulder.

I turned around and behind me sat a man and a woman, both looking very grumpy.

"Excuse me" says the woman. (You can tell she's been speaking for this man for probably 30 years.) "Can you to sit down please?"

I gestured to the 20,000 other people. "This is a standing concert."

"Yes," said the woman, "but he can't see so you have to sit down."

We were completely crowded in by dancing fans by this stage. Even if I sat down someone was bound to drop their drink on him.

I looked around the immediate area and pointed out a block of two seaters by the aisle where no one was sitting. I said "If you sit there, you're closer to the stage and no one will bother you."

Then the man spoke up "Well, why don't YOU sit there?"

At this point I gave up, turned around and continued enjoying the show. At the end, as the house lights came up I got a firm cuff over the back of my head just so I knew how he really felt.

It made me smile and reminded me of something we all should remember.

Write this one down and keep it where you can see it.

Every moment of every day,

I have the choice to be happy

or unhappy.

This is in no one else's power.

The choice is yours.

And there is no one else to blame for the choice you make.

Now this man could have made the choice to be happy and stood up every now and then to give his back a rest.

He could have the choice to be happy, closed his eyes and listened to these amazing musicians.

He could have made the choice to be happy and enjoy the view of 6 women writhing in front of him.

He could have made the choice to be happy by moving to the quieter spot with a better view as I had suggested.

But he didn't.

He made the choice to be unhappy.

Why is this?

I believe it is because he thought he had someone to blame.

He spent 2 1/2 hours looking daggers at my back.

Probably even bigger daggers because I was enjoying myself.

Then he would have complained about it all the way home, all the next day for as long as possible telling everyone who would listen about that selfish woman in front of him who "ruined his night".

His friends might be sympathetic for, oh about 2 seconds, and then not care anymore.

So no one was really affected by his decision to be unhappy except himself and perhaps his long suffering wife if she made the choice to be unhappy too.

So remember to ask yourself whenever you get into any situation where you're not happy.

"Do I choose to be happy or unhappy?"

It's that simple.

If you choose to be happy, what is the path of least resistance to get there?

Do you accept where you are and enjoy yourself?

Or take action and move to a better spot?

The choice is completely up to you.

This news article is brought to you by MOTORCYCLES - where latest news are our top priority.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Self Improvement: How To Be Happy

Being happy doesn't mean having all the wealth in the world. Studies show that happiness does not count on how much you have in your bank account, or how many luxury cars are parked in your garage. Your job position may not even count at all. People seem to realize that the best things in life are free. It's the positive outlook of your being and the good quality relationships you have that matters most.

Caring for yourself may also be an aspect of being happy. It shows just how much you love yourself.


Self-esteem is essential for someone to be happy because lack of it would mean you don't believe in yourself. This could lead to others not believing in you as well.

With enough self confidence, you can achieve almost anything you put your goals in. If and when your endeavor fails, do not lose hope. As it is proudly said, "Winning is not always a victory... losing is not always a defeat." With your head held high, stand up, pick up the pieces of your broken dreams and try again. The only time you will be defeated is when you finally stop trying. Never be discouraged.

Law of Attraction

You can also very well practice the law of attraction. It is said that when you have positive thoughts, positive things happen. What you confess is what you possess.

Keep Yourself Beautiful

When you keep yourself beautiful, you will feel good. Do not be afraid to invest in clothing. Pay special attention to details and make sure your purchases will look good on you. Never neglect your personal appearance. Learn to mix and match. You do not have to buy the most expensive clothes. I'm sure you can find good deals in boutiques in your area.

Take the time to do what you love doing. Discover yourself. No other person can tell you what would bring out your best smile. Only you will know what things will give you the contentment everyone is looking for.

Far from wealth and riches are more important stuff like family, friends, that job you love doing, and of course, peace of mind. If you know you are not stepping on anybody's toes, then you're more likely to be happy. Life is not always about competition. You have to remember that your most potent competitor is yourself. You've got to be a better you.

This news article is brought to you by MUSIC UNITED 1 - where latest news are our top priority.

Self Improvement: How To Be Happy

Being happy doesn't mean having all the wealth in the world. Studies show that happiness does not count on how much you have in your bank account, or how many luxury cars are parked in your garage. Your job position may not even count at all. People seem to realize that the best things in life are free. It's the positive outlook of your being and the good quality relationships you have that matters most.

Caring for yourself may also be an aspect of being happy. It shows just how much you love yourself.


Self-esteem is essential for someone to be happy because lack of it would mean you don't believe in yourself. This could lead to others not believing in you as well.

With enough self confidence, you can achieve almost anything you put your goals in. If and when your endeavor fails, do not lose hope. As it is proudly said, "Winning is not always a victory... losing is not always a defeat." With your head held high, stand up, pick up the pieces of your broken dreams and try again. The only time you will be defeated is when you finally stop trying. Never be discouraged.

Law of Attraction

You can also very well practice the law of attraction. It is said that when you have positive thoughts, positive things happen. What you confess is what you possess.

Keep Yourself Beautiful

When you keep yourself beautiful, you will feel good. Do not be afraid to invest in clothing. Pay special attention to details and make sure your purchases will look good on you. Never neglect your personal appearance. Learn to mix and match. You do not have to buy the most expensive clothes. I'm sure you can find good deals in boutiques in your area.

Take the time to do what you love doing. Discover yourself. No other person can tell you what would bring out your best smile. Only you will know what things will give you the contentment everyone is looking for.

Far from wealth and riches are more important stuff like family, friends, that job you love doing, and of course, peace of mind. If you know you are not stepping on anybody's toes, then you're more likely to be happy. Life is not always about competition. You have to remember that your most potent competitor is yourself. You've got to be a better you.

This news article is brought to you by TIMESHARE - where latest news are our top priority.

Single Woman Gets Caught Looking for a Wedding Band

I was caught. I did not think it was evident, but apparently, it was. For a single female, being 30 years old means that the eyes start to wander. They land right down at a man's ring finger. Does this mean I should start asking if a guy has children, right after, What do you do for a living?

He came into the store, introducing himself as the representative for one of the many truck companies we deal with. I am giving him the name Christopher. Christopher was brutally attractive. His tanned skin reminded me of a piece of chocolate; smooth and tempting. Have you ever seen blues that literally look like the color of Windex? It is not often that physical attributes are compared to a type of cleaning supply. Forget the direct reference and just think about the color of Windex. This man's eyes were seriously that blue and I could have stared into them for hours, never getting bored.

Christopher was tall and had definition. He was not built nor was he lanky, he was just right--not too big and not too small. Personally, I tend to fall for the guys who are tall and have meat on their bones. This man fell right smack in the middle.

What I love most about the opposite sex is their physical imperfections. For me, imperfections are actually, perfection. The last guy I dated wore a pair of worn out black and neon green checkered sneakers that had seen better days about seven or eight years ago. His hair was almost always tangled and he always smelled like laundry detergent. The smell was so potent, it lingered on every article of clothing I wore. He also had this small, crooked smile. He never fully smiled, leaving me to wonder if he genuinely appreciated what I said or not. This only added to the mystery he prevailed. Two things I like in the opposite sex: mystery and quirks.

Christopher had baggy circles under his eyes, yet they suit him perfectly. Now, if a woman had those and did not correct them, she would look tired and almost sickly. Somehow, though, on him, the baggy circles made his blue eyes stand out more.

The underlining mystery about this guy was that he was brand new. He provided a whole landscape of unknowns: Is he gay? Is he straight? Does he have a girlfriend? Is he crazy? What does he do on the weekends? Has he been incarcerated? I knew three things about this guy. One, he was the new rep for a nation-wide trucking company. Two, his voice was thick and full of charisma. And three, his collared shirt and navy blue tie made him look like he belonged on Wall Street. These three things were not enough to discreetly flirt. There were other things I needed to learn before batting my eyelashes or laughing at his pathetic attempts to be funny. I needed to know if the man was married or not.

That is when my eyes daggered down to the desk counter and moved to the right. They landed right on his ring finger.

Christopher saw it. With one movement, he turned his hand over, hiding any visible evidence. My cousin caught me doing it, but She doesn't tell me until after Christopher leaves.

I didn't see anything, but then again, I didn't have the time to see anything. Although, I could have sworn I saw a thick silver band on his ring finger. The ring could mean anything, though. It is not uncommon for men to wear rings. Women are not the only ones who sport jewelry. This could have been a fashion statement or a ring passed down from his grandfather. There were plenty of alternatives, I just needed to get another, better look before jumping to a conclusion.

As discreetly as I could make it, I peered over to the right, making it look like I was looking at the wall-length mirror that takes up the entire far right wall of the store. Maybe I saw the reflection of headlights? This often happens when a customer pulls into the parking lot. One of the many things I am bad at is acting. I was never meant for the stage, but I can sure as hell write a storyline for the stage.

Again, I was caught. Christopher looked down and took his hand away from my eyesight. His hand landed right in his pocket.

My God, am I that desperate? Just recently I have discovered this bad habit. The problem is, I am usually somewhere else where it is more crowded. There were three people standing at the front counter: me, my cousin, and the representative. I have started to think that my wandering eye has caused a problem.

My cousin got a real kick out of it. Of course she would, she's 25 and engaged to the love of her life. She has no idea what it is like to watch everyone you know get engaged or get married. Life is beginning for everybody else and here I am, standing at the front counter at work, desperately trying to find out if Christopher, the rep is married. And the saddest part about it all, he knew exactly what I was doing. So I jumped to the conclusion that he was married, and most likely, very happily.

I am not desperate to find the love. I have already come to terms that it may never happen. It is a possibility that I am willing to accept. Bad luck in romance runs deep in my family history. It is believed that my great-great Grandmother put a curse on all of the younger female generations, all because she did not approve of the man her daughter married. Way to go great-great Grandma! How is that fair to us? Reality often hits and I ask, Do I really believe in a curse? Sometimes, yes, I do and at other times, I think it is completely asinine.

It's a tough world out there and I think it is completely nonsensical to just settle down with the first person who seems comfortable. In the end, who is that fair to? Of course I would love to find that person I can come home to and be myself around 100 percent of the time. My co-worker Mark put it perfectly. "If I didn't have my wife, I don't know who I would be. Yeah we fight, but what married couples doesn't? In the end, I would much rather fight with my wife than not having anybody to come home to." Most men do not come forth with the truth like that. They would rather make jokes about how women ruin their lives. When Mark said that to me, my heart pounded with hope. It is always easier being the pessimistic, believing that there is a curse and I am bound to be alone for the rest of my life. But when I hear Mark talk about his wife, it makes me long for something similar.

I used to come home after the bar, crying that nobody wanted me. Those old insecure feelings from high school came back and haunted me. I am ugly and nobody wants to touch me. What good am I for somebody else? I lack so many things that all the other girls captivate so well. Alcohol will do that to you.

A few years back, I vowed to never put myself through that kind of misery ever again. I've broken down a few times, but there hasn't been a time where I felt so low that my self worth was at the bottom of the barrel. So, to keep myself from ever reaching that point, I've made a compromise to myself. There is somebody out there who will find me beautiful just the way I am and who will take care of me, no matter how annoying I get. I know this because I have had boyfriends and suitors who've showered me with compliments. But why make the journey long and hellish? Half the fun is in getting there. I'll meet people along the way, creating the story of my life. And if it just so happens that the curse is real and that I am forever doomed, well, so be it. At least I will have met interesting characters along the way.

Maybe this is easier said than done. But I'll be damned if I am going to be one of those desperate females who settle for the first guy who shows potential of forever.

This news article is brought to you by WOMENS LIKES AND INTERESTS - where latest news are our top priority.