Thursday, June 14, 2012

Where Did My Life Go?

Time is up right there with Oxygen, valuable beyond belief. Without it your life will run out and head straight for the buffers.

You can't buy time, you can only spend it, it's irreplaceable. Have you ever asked yourself this question, "Where did my life go"? maybe you are hitting 40, 50 or maybe even 60 and beyond, and you feel that you are moving into the Autumn or even the Winter years of your life, but you don't think you have really achieved much.

Do you feel alone, stuck in a rut, detached from the rest of the world?, believe me - you are not alone. Most people are carrying some sort of fear around with them, 10 Years ago probably seems like only yesterday, time is ticking away faster than a speeding train, your life is running on and on, your story is CLOSING...

Or is it?

Perhaps this is just the BEGINNING of your story. We are programmed to believe that we live in a "one size fits all" society, You're over the hill at 40, fast running out of steam at 50, at 60 you should be pensioned off and at 70... "What the hell are you still doing here?" you should be pushing up daisies..!!!

I think one of the major reasons people ask that question "Where did my life go" is because they themselves have mentally started to "give up", In this cynical world we are prepped, prepared and almost pushed into conforming to the "average"... Most people never question the RULES... they just go along with them.

You see, if you don't listen to all the HYPE & BS that surrounds you everyday, it really IS a pretty good life, with an equal playing field, full of ENDLESS opportunities... You got to this point in your life by being YOU, if you are not fast becoming the YOU, you really want to be - then change PLANET You!

You are the sum total of all your thoughts & actions (including your decisions), that's how you got to this stage in the first place, It's easy to start beating yourself up and wishing you could have done things differently, but even if you had made different decisions, you DON'T actually know for sure that they would have ended up being BETTER decisions.

It's up to US to decide where we want to go from here. It's not the government, our friends, our partner or anybody else's fault as to what happens to us, from now on, it is simply, how we SEE ourselves.

While we have breath in our body and movement to carry us, most things can be achieved.

I have a theory - some people only act their age because they actually KNOW how old they really are. TRULY.. as CRAZY as it may sound, I'm convinced if you were 45 but you truly believed you were only 30, maybe you had lived on a desert island and you had NO way of tracking your age at all, you would probably age more slowly and act and think more like a 30 yr old than a 45 yr old. Some people age faster than others because they think themselves OLD..

People give age too much POWER, and our society as a whole seems obsessed with it.

The main influence on our lives is not society itself although this is a contributing factor, but it's US and WHO we really think we really are. We decide as we think, our story is written for us by our thoughts.

If it's doable and we REALLY think we can do it, make a plan and DO IT.. it's not our age that prevents us from achieving things, it's our expectations of US.

Whilst we keep living up to expectation and believe what society tells us, we will always be moving slowly forward wearing lead boots. It's only when we question what is expected of us and realise that the life we were prepared for in school and thought of as the ultimate goal perhaps is not the ultimate goal at all but often the booby prize.

We're all a long time dead, we fought heaven and earth to get into this life, why cruise through it at a sedate 20 Miles and hour when you can BLAST through it like a HURRICANE.. Life owes us nothing but WE owe us EVERYTHING.

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