Thursday, June 7, 2012

5 Ways To Give More Love

Why is love so important?

It is the invisible energy that is responsible for all the good things in the world. Love creates healthy families, loving relatives, good friendships and of course relationships.

Love creates happy children who grow up to be loving adults. You can find love in music and in art, but also in beautiful products that have been made with passion.

You can find love everywhere. You can find it within yourself. Love for nature, love for life and for the people around you. He who feels love on a daily basis feels happier every day. In this article, you will find five easy things you can do to start giving and feeling more love right now.

1. Give people genuine attention

Think about the people you meet in your daily life. Ask them questions and really listen to their answers. Try to understand the other person and show that you respect him or her. Take time to listen to people. Take time to understand them and to get through to their hearts.

Realize that every person has insecurities just like you. Every person does things for a reason, because he thinks that his way is best. We think that every person is good, and it is up to you to discover that goodness in every person you meet.

2. Do the things you do with love

Stop working for the spreadsheet and start working with love. The best and most beautiful things in this world aren't created on dispassionate work days. The best things in life are created from love, from passion.

Try to do as many things as possible that you can put your passion into, and stop doing things that suck up all your energy. If you feel love for the work you do, you will notice that everything is easier. Your work is more fun, and you do a better job.

You can put love into your job, in your hobbies, but also in other things you do for other people. You can help people, or you can, for instance, do volunteer work for a cause you care about.

3. Treat all living things with love and respect

Admire nature. Give love to animals and plants. Take care of them and cherish them. Life is wonderful and valuable, you can enjoy it and share your love wit hit.

Love your pets, love your plants and appreciate all that nature has to offer. Find peace and balance by spending more time in places that are full of nature. You will notice how you are starting to love the world more and more.

4. Be grateful for life

Thankfulness is a powerful expression of your love for life. Turn yourself into a more grateful person. Regularly contemplate on the things you have experienced that you can be grateful for today.

Do not only feel grateful for the big things in life. Of course you are grateful that you woke up next to the love of your life this morning, and that you are healthy for at least another day. But you should also appreciate the small, simple events of your day, such as a good glass of wine, or a long walk with a friend.

5. Feel sincere love within yourself

Regularly try to find the feeling of love. Find the love you feel for your children, for your partner, for your family and your friends. Find that special place that makes you feel warm inside. Take time to dig into your feelings for other people, and enforce the positive feeling of loving someone.

By sincerely feeling love on a regular basis, you will appreciate these people in your life more, and you will give them more love automatically. Other people feel this love. They will appreciate it and they will share their love with you.

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