Friday, June 15, 2012

55 Ways to Improve Your Life

Are you unhappy with your life? Do you feel you need to change something? If so, here is a list 55 ideas that will allow you to change your life for the better.

1) Understand that you have the power to choose your moods.
2) Find out what you really want.
3) Don't try to change others, change yourself.
4) Learn to be patient.
5) Tell people how you feel.
6) Learn to write, to transfer your thoughts into the written word.
7) Show people you love them.
8) Follow thoughts not people.
9) Set achievable, but challenging goals regularly.
10) Exercise. Your body and mind will thank you.
11) Have a plan B. Just in case.
12) Learn about psychology.
13) Take opportunities.
14) Be honest.
15) Learn to relax.
16) Do anything that makes you happy, but not at the expense of others.
17) Learn to get out of your comfort zone.
18) Find the good parts of being alone.
19) Find out what allows you to reach Flow.
20) Be thankful for what you have.
21) Thoughts create reality.
22) Mistakes happen. Don't get discouraged, learn from them.
23) Ask.
24) Learn about philosophy.
25) Collect experiences, not objects.
26) Learn to be happy with yourself.
27) Imagine.
28) Learn to say no.
29) Read.
30) Be optimistic, but don't forget about obstacles.
31) Learn foreign languages.
32) Laugh.
33) It's not about what happens, but how you react to it.
34) What's important to you probably means nothing to your neighbor.
35) Every day is a new opportunity. Take it.
36) Dance.
37) Cultivate willpower.
38) Be brave. Even if you're not, pretend to be. No one can tell.
39) Learn from everyone you meet.
40) Do random acts of kindness.
41) Learn to play the guitar.
42) Don't take yourself too seriously.
43) Forgive.
44) Don't mistake comfort for happiness.
45) Expect the best but plan for the worst.‎
46) Move away from things that make you unhappy.
47) Meditate.
48) You are the only person you can count on. Don't rely on other people to give you what you need.
49) Help others.
50) Learn to adapt.
51) Stop worrying.
52) Surround yourself with positive, inspiring people.
53) Make the effort to start something new.
54) Let go of the past.
55) Cultivate friendships.

Some points may sound very simple, but actually it's not that easy to put them into practice. Have patience and your life will change for the better.

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