Monday, June 4, 2012

12 Ways To Help Others

Too much of our society is separated from others. We often isolate ourselves from the lives of those around us. With each little bit of isolation we become a little more dehumanized each day.

Instead of walking around to places we find ourselves using cars to travel, each day removing ourselves more and more from greeting and contacting new people. We have furthered this isolation through working in cubicles, and automation through computers and factories. Tv creates another scenario where we watch fake realities instead of being around other people. Even in a movie theatre we are isolated because we stare at the big screen instead of holding a true conversation with someone else.

I have nothing against these inventions, the trouble is that they can lead one to focus more on themselves and less on their fellow man. Selfishness creeps in and pushes aside the desire to give to others. Instead of improving and uplifting humanity we are working backwards.

Now, not everyone is this way, however if we aren't mindful of our own intentions and actions you may yet become a statistic. To combat this, be actively engaged in helping others instead of just yourself. Do something today, don't put it off until tomorrow or next week.

Benefits of helping others

Feel good about yourself
Connect with a real person
Improves someone else's life
Creates a better world to live in

Here is a short list of things you can do to help others:

1. Love unconditionally. We are all looking for this. Finding ways to show that you care about others without reserve, expectations, or consequences will help more than anything else.

2. Help someone in need. Have you ever had a flat, and needed help getting it fixed, yet no one stopped...don't be that person. Do what you can be it just offering a phone to make a call, a ride to get some gas, or a few bucks to help get a new tire.

3. Compliment someone. Sometimes all someone needs to have a great day is to hear that they have a nice pair of shoes, a good outfit, etc.

4. Teach. Odds are that if you have a skill someone else would like to learn it. Do a good deed by offering your time to share it with others.

5. Donate old items. One mans trash is anothers treasure. Don't just throw stuff away, take it to a used item store and let others get them for cheap, or just give them to someone that you know needs them.

6. Listen to someone. Frustration can be difficult to deal with, and often is easily let go of if you can just talk to someone about it. Be kind and listen to someone else for a few minutes.

7. Show appreciation, openly. This is a great way to show someone love and get them to feel good about themselves. You can do this in public, on a blog, with friends, family, etc.

8. Have patience. Not everyone learns at the same pace. Sometimes people have a hard time expressing a thought, whatever the situation be patient and let them get it out.

9. Get active with someone. If you know someone that has or is talking about getting healthy, do them a favor and do it with them. Ask them to join you for workouts, walks, bike rides, and other things.

10. Give comfort to someone that's grieving. Whether you just offer a hug, holding a hand, or support in the hard time, knowing someone is there for them is often all it takes to help them through.

11. Send a kind letter or email. This can be a nice thank you, or letting them know you are proud of them, you accept them as they are, or anything else uplifting.

12. Clean something for another. Mow the lawn, do their dishes, pick up the clothes, or even just make dinner for them can be very helpful.

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