Monday, June 18, 2012

Want to Be Happier? Consider This Easy Approach

We tend to think that happiness will show up when something in the future happens. When we have... , when we get... , when we accomplish... , when we can... , when we will be... We base our happiness on something that may or may not happen in the future. How much time do we waste waiting to be happy? And, what if something gets in the way and our plans don't manifest like we had hoped? That's just more wasted time because of the delay and disappointment.

What can you do to be happier? Try giving up something. It's so much easier, more empowering, and it happens now in the present moment.

Try giving up some 'thing' in order to be happier.

Give up waiting for something to "happen". If you believe that your happiness depends on anything that is outside of you, you are misinformed. Joy comes from within, and our perceptions and beliefs inform that sense of joy.

Give up everything that is not in alignment with who you want to be. Making decisions to clear up the clutter in your physical and emotional life makes room (energetically and physically) for more of what you do want.

Give up trying to please others. It's a no win situation, and everyone wants something different from you anyway. Every time you place your focus on what others want from you, you take yourself one step farther away from your connection to your Self.That's an empty hollow place to be.

Give up your limiting beliefs. You are the creator of your reality, and belief is a powerful energy. Negative limiting beliefs constrict your world. Positive beliefs expand your world and your experience of life.

Give up your need to be right. What difference will it make if you are right or wrong. Whose world is going to improve. It's just your ego that needs to be right; it's not who you are. Think about how letting go of your need to be right in an argument can totally deflate the situation. There's nothing to argue with when you just let go.

And finally..

Give up blaming-yourself or others. It's very disempowering to give your energy away to anything that is not creative. Blame doesn't nurture, grow, or create anything that is constructive. Take responsibility for your actions and create your life. Let others do the same.

And there's one more thing. Love. Don't give up on love. Just BE love. Love heals, nurtures, creates, and grows beauty. It feels pretty darn good too. So be love and give love. And, enjoy living an inspired life.

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